"When dealing with children there is greater need for observing than of probing"
Maria Montessori was born in Rome, Italy in 1870. In 1896, she became the first female doctor in all of Italy. Montessori education was founded in 1907 by Dr. Maria Montessori. She based her educational methods on the scientific observation of children's learning processes. Guided by her discovery that children teach themselves, Doctor Montessori designed a "prepared environment" in which children could freely choose from a number of developmentally appropriate activities.
Dr. Maria Montessori's desire to help children was so strong that in 1906 she gave up both her university chair and her medical practice to work with sixty children of working parents in the San Lorenzo district of Rome. It was there that she founded the first Casa dei Bambini, or "Children's House." Based upon Dr. Montessori's scientific observations of these children, she learned they had an effortless ability to absorb knowledge from their surroundings. They also had a tireless interest in manipulating materials. Every piece of equipment, exercise, and technique developed by Dr. Montessori was based on what she observed children did "naturally" and independently. The Montessori activities at our academy promote the development of social skills, emotional growth, physical coordination and cognitive preparation. Fostering self-esteem and confidence in our students is of utmost importance to our staff. We empower children to ignite their natural curiosity by integrating science, geography, art and music in our Montessori curriculum. Our students love the fun and creative activities that spark their inquisitiveness to explore. Montessori students touch and feel materials which provide the multi-sensorial path to learning. Hands-on learning is one of the basic tenets of the Montessori method.
Maria Montessori believed that moving and learning were inseparable. Children use their entire body and different senses to take in knowledge. Feeling the beads, counters, rods, geometric solids, sandpaper letters and numbers are examples of the multi-sensorial approach. The Montessori materials address one skill or concept at a time and have a built-in "control of error". This auto-correcting is obvious and helps to fosters self-esteem. Guidance by the teacher or fellow students is always available, if necessary.
Phone Number: 732-946-8887
CAMP: 732-946-2267
Email: admin@marlboromontessoriacademy.com
GPS Address
257 Highway 79
Morganville, NJ 07751
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 272
Wickatunk, NJ 07765
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All Rights Reserved | Marlboro Montessori Academy
Marlboro Montessori Academy