Montessori Concept

Marlboro Montessori Academy provides an education rooted in the Montessori method, emphasizing a child’s natural growth and development. This approach is guided by a philosophy that incorporates specific, skill-oriented materials central to the Montessori method. A defining feature of this world-renowned teaching method recognizes that, unlike adults, children are in a continuous state of physical and mental development. Dr. Maria Montessori believed that children's learning could be greatly influenced by their environment, therefore she introduced the Montessori prepared environment. This environment remains a foundational component of any authentic Montessori school. At Marlboro Montessori Academy we uphold the high standards of Montessori education from Preschool through Kindergarten and Elementary.

The Montessori Method, developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, is a child-centered educational approach based on scientific observations of children from birth to adulthood. This method encourages children to reach their full potential by fostering the development of social skills, emotional growth, physical coordination, and cognitive abilities. The Montessori curriculum and prepared environment empower children to ignite their creativity, build a strong sense of self, and experience the excitement of their own accomplishments.


The mind of a very young child has a phenomenal capacity for absorbing experiences even when they may be unable to express it verbally. Dr. Montessori believed that "the absorbent mind" is working all the time to bring in information from the outside world. This information is absorbed and will construct and create the "adult to be".


The prepared environment is essential to the success of the Montessori Method. Each classroom is carefully designed to ignite a child's natural desire to learn through exploration and discovery. Our classrooms are spacious, bright, and colorfully appointed with learning activities. Montessori materials are placed on open shelves, which are available for the children to freely choose during work time.


Maria Montessori believed that moving and learning were inseparable. Children use their entire body and different senses to take in knowledge. Feeling the beads, counters, rods, geometric solids, sandpaper letters and numbers are examples of the multi-sensorial approach.

The Montessori materials address one skill or concept at a time and have a built-in "control of error". This auto-correcting is obvious and helps to foster self-esteem. Guidance by the teacher or fellow students is always available, if necessary.


Teachable Moments

Recent research has proven that sensitive periods for specific types of learning are part of the life of every child. As the child goes through these specific stages of development, it is easier to acquire and retain certain knowledge. Montessori schools take advantage of these windows of opportunities. It is during these time frames that children have an overpowering interest in learning the skills best taught during the sensitive periods of development.


Most of the materials in a Montessori school contain multiple levels of challenge. The Golden Bead Materials are an example of teaching all functions of math from the Preschool through Elementary years. Montessori materials are designed to follow the child throughout their education. Montessori teaching materials stand out from other educational materials in that they have been tested for over a century. Their lab study for effective teaching has been proven successful on all continents of the world. The achievement of the step by step Montessori method and philosophy rings out loud and clear as famous Montessori graduates, such as founders of Google, Wikipedia, and Amazon claim that their early beginnings at Montessori schools allowed them to creatively think..."why not."

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